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Strawberry and elderflower mocktail

Strawberry and elderflower mocktails embody the essence of summer in a delightful non-alcoholic concoction. These refreshing beverages combine the sweetness of ripe strawberries with the floral notes of elderflower, creating a perfect harmony of flavors. 



1tsp vanilla extract or paste

1 tablespoon raw caster sugar

1 1/4 cup elderflower cordial

4 sprigs mint leaves

2.5 litre sparkling mineral water

1 punnet (approx. 250gm) fresh strawberries, halved

Ice, to serve


Set aside a large jug (approximately 3L).

Place strawberries, vanilla paste/extract and sugar in bowl and stir to combine. Cover with cling wrap and refrigerate. Chill minimum 1 hour, stirring once.

Add the strawberries and syrup to the jug. Add the elderflower cordial and mint leaves. Top with mineral water.

Place some ice in each serving glass and pour over the strawberry and elderflower mocktail. Stir and enjoy.


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